The students in 4º A ESO have written their letters to Santa. They say they have had a great behaviour this year.
These are the ways in which they have been good:
«I have helped my parents at home» Vanessa.
«I haven’t argued with my brother» Alba.
«I have done my homework» Gabriel and Ernesto.
«I have helped with the laundry» Bianca.
«I have been generous» Pablo.
«I have helped at home» Daniel Andrés
«I have listened to my parents and my teachers» Marina.
«I have shared my things with my friends» Natalia.
«I have had a good behaviour» Alejandro.
And these are some of the gifts they expect:
«A computer, a coat and pyjamas» David Gaitán.
«A music stand, a tablet and a book» Francisco.
«A pair of shoes, a shirt and PS4» David Aznar.
«A new screen for my phone, a pair of trainers and a videogame for PS4» Iván.
«A pair of trainers and a Hollister coar» Patricia.
«An iPad, a microwave and a TV» Daniel Gómez
Will they get their presents? Only Santa and the elves know…
Here you can find some popular Christmas songs to sing along and practise your English in family!
Merry Christmas!!